Artist Changemaker Workshop: Schedule of Events

Artist Changemaker Workshop: Schedule of Events

Date: Saturday, 11/13/21
Time: 9:30am - 5:00pm (see detailed schedule of events below; lunch available for purchase!)
Place: (In person) Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center & Film House, Burlington, VT with a post-Workshop gathering at The Whiskey Room, 173 College Street, Burlington. If you can't join us in person, watch the Facebook livestream here:
COVID Safety: As part of Main Street Landing, the Performing Arts Center follows guidelines to ensure the safety of our tenants, as well as our patrons. Please see details here.

By Application/Invitation Only
Select musicians will spend Sunday in a social change incubator/intensive (application link here; more info below).

When musicians want to generate positive change in society they need skills, resources and relations that they don’t always have. While music is their art and a vehicle for their message, a more robust set of resources helps this art become an effective tool for making the world a better place.

In collaboration with Big Heavy World, Music to Life is producing the Artist Changemakers Workshop, bringing together New Hampshire and Vermont-based artists, their allies and stakeholders, to help them become more effective with their music-driven programs that address the needs of their communities and make our states more resilient. Our generous Host Sponsor is The Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center; other underwriters include the Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation, Windham Foundation and Mascoma Bank.



Saturday (11/13): PUBLIC SESSIONS - panelists have been tapped from business, creative organizations and nonprofits for our themed public sessions as follows:

Sunday (11/14): INCUBATOR/INTENSIVE (By application/invitation only - link here)

Sunday's full-day session includes customized programming for 10-12 selected social change musicians (identified by application/invitation), who have specific ideas for music-driven programs in their community; these artists will receive additional hands-on training in proposal development, identifying good-fit partners and mobilizing community support. Participating artists will leave with a draft outline of their concept, fundraising and partnership ideas, and an individualized “artist as change-maker” statement; additionally, artists will receive up to 10 hours of post-weekend technical assistance to help formulate grants, develop partnerships and/or troubleshoot program challenges. They will automatically join Music to Life’s juried artist list (our Artist Changemakers), and the National Music for Change Network with ongoing performance, educational and grants opportunities.

Omega Jade
Myra Flynn
Rajnii Eddins
Lia Uribe
Millie Heckler
Kristen Grainger