Our Work

Our Work

Our country is home to a multitude of musicians and the majority work independently:

They are self-made entrepreneurs with a robust online presence, intimate connections with fans and grassroots engagement with their local communities. Perfectly positioned change makers... Indeed, many of these artists also have innovative ideas for music-driven programs that tackle pressing issues but their concepts remain largely untapped given limited training, strategic connections and resources.

That's where we come in...

Change Agent Training

Our National Accelerator Academy and local Workshops help artists turn their social change ideas into sustainable music-driven programs for communities-in-need.

Performance Platforms

Our media opportunities include performances, interviews, panels and workshops through which social change musicians can share their work with new audiences and amplify their reach.

National Network

Our National Network ensures that artists are connected with each other, seasoned mentors, educational and collaborative opportunities to grow their programs.

We need to continue to have these conversations...real honest conversations that hopefully get us to a place where we can have the solution and the society that we want.
- Jasiri X, Hip Hop Artist, Activist & Founder of 1Hood Media
Our Approach
We facilitate the skill building, resource development and mentorship opportunities that keep musicians connected, learning and growing their impact.
Our Impact
We are a highly resourceful organization in service to artists and communities-in-need. We track our effectiveness in several ways.
It really was an honor and a pleasure! I knew it would be worthwhile to work with Music to Life, but I didn’t expect to be so moved (literally) by my collaborating artists. And such clarity! It was a pleasure and an inspiration.
- Jen Chapin, artist activist, educator

Stories from the Field

The artists we serve are some of the most inspiring people you’d ever want to meet. Their stories of ingenuity and perseverance are examples of music's power as a transformative tool for our communities.