Luke “Skippy” Harbur

Luke “Skippy” Harbur

Luke "Skippy" Harbur Beatboxing specialist, performer, and producer Luke "Skippy" Harbur is a vivacious artist known for his cross-pollinated brand of alternative music touching on hip hop, Broadway, EDM, and singer-songwriter influences. His project musicbyskippy lives among music, theater, and poetry; shows are similar to attending live comedy and musicals,…
Z Saj

Z Saj

Z Saj Z Saj, pronounced Z Sage, is an artist, songwriter, public speaker, educator and business-owner from the west side of Chicago, IL. Saj pulls inspiration from her everyday experiences. Authenticity has been a big key in the creation of Z Saj’s journey. She has made it a point to…
Mary Gauthier

Mary Gauthier

Mary Gauthier “With songwriting as powerful as hers, there’s no need to go looking for qualifiers. She’s a unique, intrinsically valuable musical voice. And there’s never a surplus of those.” — Randy Lewis, Los Angeles Time. Her eleventh album, the first record in over 8 years consisting of all her…