Dr. Thomas RaShad Easley

Dr. Thomas RaShad Easley (AKA RaShad Eas) is a Forester, educator, consultant, and musician. Over his career he has been the inaugural diversity Dean at the Yale University’s School of the Environment and NC State’s College of Natural Resources. As a child of civil rights activists Easley has worked in environmental justice, expanding religious understandings, and community organizing. Lastly, Easley has served as a campus pastor and utilizes ecumenical tenets in his sermons, lectures and artistry.

Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, RaShad carries forward the history and revolution of the civil rights movement through his work and lyrics.Since 2008, RaShad created six full projects that weave together poignant stories of blackness, faith, spirituality, diversity, love, pain, environmental justice, respecting indigenous nations and being open hearted/minded.

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"This is a quote either from the artist or from someone who gives a testimonial about the artist because the artist is mazing and we want people to know ."

~ Name of person giving the quote

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