Teni Rane
Teni Rane is a folk-country singer-songwriter with a vintage vocal edge and a knack for capturing common scenes of everyday life in a way that is at once specific and widely relatable. Comfortable in everything from overalls to full-body sequins, Rane isn’t afraid to explore musical territory and synthesizes vocal influences from Patsy Cline and Norah Jones to Stevie Nicks and Lady Gaga.
Music has underpinned much of her life though it was not always riding shotgun. It has delicately weaved its way through seasons of performance dance, collegiate and semi-pro athletics, corporate engineering, and general life way-finding. Most recently it demanded enough attention to encourage Teni Rane to make some big life changes and move back to Sweden for 2 months to work in different ways and to rebalance and redefine life goals and expectations.
An important step in her life journey has been learning how to be a little more still and a lot more curious about the present moment. Combining her interests in science and engineering, music, and mindfulness modalities such as yoga and meditation has opened up a whole new way of being that integrates her skills and talents instead of compartmentalizing them.
Giving back has been a consistent current through Rane's music career, from serving as a board member for the non-profit, The Taraloka Foundation, to collaborations with the staff and clients at 7Hills Homeless Center using music to support and elevate the unhoused population of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Currently Rane is involved with Be the Change Youth Initiative, a non-profit that works to encourage mental health and empowerment among youth by creating "a space where youth can begin to heal by Sharing Stories, Extending Compassion and Taking Action." She enjoys encouraging others - musicians and non-musicians alike - along their own paths, and firmly believes that each of us is uniquely capable of finding balance, harmony, and joy in our own lives.
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"This is a quote either from the artist or from someone who gives a testimonial about the artist because the artist is mazing and we want people to know ."
~ Name of person giving the quote